Strong. Determined. Someone who cared deeply about others.
Those are the words used to describe one of our consumers whose life was tragically cut short by the cold weather earlier this fall. Our entire Wyandot BHN team, especially those who knew and worked with this woman, extend our deepest condolences to her family.
Amber* (name has been changed) had been on her recovery journey for quite some time and wanted more out of life. One of her biggest goals, aside from sobriety, was to reconnect with her family. She wanted to be able to spend time with her grandchildren and leave them with positive memories of her. And she was incredibly appreciative of her son who, through all of the ups and downs, never gave up on her and was willing to be there for her through it all.
Amber’s case manager had the opportunity to see her and work with her when she was sober and said she was always smiling and had a wonderful sense of humor. She says Amber just needed someone to show her kindness and compassion.
In memory of Amber, I encourage you to remember that each person who is living houseless has their own unique story. They each have their own families. Please join me in keeping these individuals in our thoughts throughout the holiday season & the winter months.