Strengthening the Community’s Behavioral Health System Together

July 25, 2024

Over the past several years, thousands of Wyandotte County residents have been involved in the development of the county’s current Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). These residents have voiced their concerns and goals for the health and wellbeing of this vibrant community. For the first time, Wyandotte County residents have identified behavioral health as a focus area, in addition to jobs & education, health care access, violence prevention, and safe & affordable housing. I’m proud to announce that Wyandot Behavioral Health Network has been chosen as the Lead Behavioral Health Agency for the 2024-2028 CHIP. 

The Wyandotte County Public Health Department, in close partnership with dozens of community partners and hundreds of community members, has meticulously developed the current CHIP. This comprehensive plan reflects the voices and joint vision of the community. I am heartened to see that so many residents acknowledged the need to strengthen the county’s existing behavioral health system to better meet the needs of the community. As an organization, Wyandot BHN is grateful to have the opportunity to spearhead this work in collaboration with many of our valued partners. 

To date, more than 40 local organizations and individuals have committed to helping us develop and implement strategies to strengthen our behavioral health system. Together, we have identified the following five goals: 

  1. Building a Comprehensive Crisis Response System: We will evaluate how the county’s existing crisis response system can be improved to ensure anyone experiencing a behavioral health crisis has access to quality, timely support.
  2. Addressing the Cost of Behavioral Health Services: Financial barriers should not prevent anyone from accessing the care they need. We will work to educate the community about reduced fee options in order to reduce financial concerns and increase the number of people seeking needed behavioral health treatment.
  3. Expanding Harm-Reduction Approaches: Harm reduction is a critical strategy in managing substance use disorders. By promoting safe practices and supportive resources, including Fentanyl test strips, Narcan and Medication Assisted Treatment, we can help to reduce the number of overdose deaths in Wyandotte County. 
  4. Reducing Bias and Stigma: Stigma and bias often deter individuals from seeking help. Through educational campaigns and strategic partnerships, Wyandot BHN will elevate community understanding of behavioral health and equip community members with the knowledge to support someone in need and refer them to resources.
  5. Increasing Availability of Treatment: Wyandot BHN will work with key partners throughout the Wyandotte County health system to better coordinate care and offer more accessible, community-based services and support.

As the Lead Behavioral Health Agency for the CHIP, Wyandot BHN is focused on moving these initiatives forward. We believe that by working together, we can create a healthier, more resilient community where everyone has the support they need to thrive.

To learn more about the 2024-2028 CHIP and how you can get involved, please click here.